Intellectual Podcasts

Intellectual Podcasts

When it comes to Intellectual Podcasts, there is no limit to the people who podcast exploring this topic. Here are 25 of the best ones.

New Books in Intellectual History

In this podcast from the New Books Network, host Jeremy F. Walton interviews Professor Charles McCrary about his book, The Language of Human Nature: An Intellectual History of Natural Law. McCrary provides an overview of the book and its contents, discussing how natural law was once connected to the notion of a higher power, and how the concept of natural law has changed over the centuries. He talks about the various ways natural law has been used in different contexts, and how the concept has been applied to both religious and secular systems. McCrary also discusses how his work can be used to inform our current understanding of human nature and morality.

Intellectual Radio Talk

Intellectual Radio Talk is a podcast hosted by Intellectual Radio, an independent radio station. In this podcast, the host discusses a variety of topics related to intellectualism and education, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. The host also interviews guests who have interesting perspectives on these topics. It is an educational podcast meant to encourage intellectual discussion and development.

Intelligence Squared

Intelligence Squared is a podcast that brings together the brightest minds from around the world to debate the most important and controversial topics of today. Each episode features a live audience and a panel of experts discussing both sides of a current issue. The show covers topics such as politics, science, technology, culture, and more. Guests on the show have included Nobel laureates, politicians, authors, activists, and more. Intelligence Squared provides a platform for open and intelligent debate, seeking to offer audiences a deeper understanding of the issues and to promote critical thinking and civil discourse.

Pseudo-Intellectual with Lauren Chen

This episode of Pseudo-Intellectual features a conversation between host Lauren Chen and guest Dr. Lee Jussim, professor of Psychology at Rutgers University and author of the book Social Perception and Social Reality. The two discuss a range of topics, including the current trend of “cancel culture”, and why it is an ineffective way to create real change. They also explore the concept of ideological immobility, and how it creates a toxic environment for political discourse. Finally, they discuss how to utilize the scientific method to inform more effective conversations on social issues, and how to combat the prevalence of confirmation bias.

The Intellectual

This podcast from The Syllabus is an exploration of what it means to be an intellectual. Host Will Schwalbe speaks with experts in the field, including philosopher Martha Nussbaum, to discuss the responsibilities, duties, and privileges of being an intellectual. Along the way, he looks at how intellectual conversations have changed over time and how we can use our own intellect to make more meaningful contributions to the world. He also discusses the importance of being open to learning from others and how understanding the history of intellectualism can help shape our current understanding of it. The podcast is a thoughtful and informative exploration of the role of an intellectual in society.

The Intellectual Investor

In this podcast, Vitaliy Katsenelson discusses the importance of intellectual investing and why it is essential for creating long-term wealth. He explains how an investor can take a longer-term view when investing in the stock market and how this approach can lead to greater success. Katsenelson emphasizes the importance of understanding the underlying business of a company before investing in it, as well as the importance of having an open mind and being willing to change ideas if new evidence arises. Lastly, he discusses how investors should consider their own personal goals and values when investing and how this can help them make more informed decisions.

IP... Frequently: A Not-Very Intellectual Business Podcast

IP... Frequently is a not-very intellectual business podcast hosted by Rob Arnold and David Sanford. The podcast covers a wide range of topics related to intellectual property, such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and more. Each episode features a guest expert in the field of intellectual property, who is interviewed by the hosts and provides insight into their area of expertise. The podcast also features important updates on the current state of IP law, as well as discussions about the various challenges facing IP professionals today. The podcast is intended for people who are interested in learning more about the world of intellectual property, from experienced professionals in the field.

Intellectual Japanese

The Intuitive Hour: Awaken Your Inner Voice

Enough Wicker: Intellectualizing the Golden Girls

The Intellectual Agrarian: Philosophy From The Farm

The Intuitive Girls Guide

Intellectual Erection

Lectures in Intellectual History

Public Intellectual with Jessa Crispin

Intellectualish with Jeff Grace


The Intellectual People Podcast

The Intellectual Muscle Podcast

The Intellectual Idiots Show



Interventions | The Intellectual History Podcast

The Idiot Intellectual

The Intellectual's of Tensai


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