Ancient History Podcasts

Ancient History Podcasts

Have you heard these Ancient History Podcasts? We know for sure you'll find some new shows. Here are 25 of the top ones.

Earth Ancients

In this podcast, Cliff Dunning examines the possibility that ancient civilizations may have been far more advanced than we currently believe. He looks at evidence for a variety of advanced technologies and other constructions that appear to have been created in pre-historic times, such as the ancient stone circles found in places like England and France. He also discusses various theories about how these ancient civilizations may have obtained their advanced knowledge, such as through contact with extraterrestrial beings. Dunning speaks to several experts in the field who offer their thoughts on the possibility of ancient civilizations having possessed advanced technology. He also looks at how this affects our current view of history and the possibilities of what can be achieved in the future.

Expanded Perspectives

Expanded Perspectives is a podcast dedicated to exploring alternative and fringe topics, ranging from archaeology to cryptozoology. Hosts Kyle and Chris cover a wide range of topics, from Bigfoot sightings to alien abductions, and discuss theories, evidence, and opinions from experts in the field. Each week, they explore strange and unusual topics, often bringing in guest speakers to discuss their experiences and research. The podcast provides a platform for diverse voices to share their thoughts and opinions on a multitude of topics, as well as share their own stories.

The Ancients

In this podcast, host Dan Snow discusses the Ancient civilizations of the Near East and their lasting impact on the world today. Snow discusses the origins of civilization in the Fertile Crescent region, including the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Assyrians, and their advancements in agriculture, mathematics, law, and science. He also touches on the empires of Egypt and Persia, as well as the contributions of the Greeks and other Mediterranean cultures to modern civilization. The podcast concludes with a discussion of the legacy of the Ancient civilizations and their relevance to today's world.

Ancient History Fangirl

Ancient History Fangirl is a podcast hosted by Jenny Williamson and Genn McMenemy that explores the lives, stories, and culture of the people of ancient civilizations. Each episode delves into a specific topic, such as the history of the Hittites, the legendary city-state of Troy, the mystery of the great pyramid of Giza, and many more. Through their discussions, they aim to bring these stories to life, giving a human face to ancient history. They also provide a unique insight into the beliefs, practices, and everyday lives of the people of these ancient cultures. Ancient History Fangirl is an entertaining and informative podcast that is sure to enlighten anyone interested in ancient history.

New Books in Ancient History

The History of Egypt Podcast

Probing Ancient Aliens

The Ancient World

The History of Ancient Greece

UnchartedX Videos!

Casting Through Ancient Greece

Ancient History Hound

Ancient History Hound

The Maritime History Podcast

Ancient Greece Declassified

The Antique Shop

Ancient History Expanded

Cambridge For Kids Ancient History Podcasts

Afterlives of Ancient Egypt with Kara Cooney

Ancient Heroes

An Audio Guide to Ancient Rome

Spartan History Podcast

Pre History - the archaeology of the ancient Near East

Ancient Egyptian History

That's all Ancient History now!


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