Writing Podcasts

Writing Podcasts

Have you heard these Writing Podcasts? We know for sure you'll find some new shows. We put together 25 of the best ones.

The Writer's Almanac

The Writer's Almanac podcast from Prairie Home Productions is a daily program featuring poems, readings, and short stories. Hosted by Garrison Keillor, the show highlights works of literature from around the world, providing insights into their works, authors, and times. Each episode is approximately five minutes long, and is accompanied by music from classical composers. The podcast also features an essay about the history of a particular day in literature or culture. Topics range from American literature to world literature, and it provides an interesting look at literary history from around the globe.

Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing

Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing is a podcast hosted by Mignon Fogarty (aka Grammar Girl). In the podcast, she offers tips and advice on grammar, punctuation, and style topics. She also answers questions from listeners and shares the latest news on language and writing. Each episode is easy to listen to and covers a wide range of topics, from the proper use of commas to more complex topics like the differences between "lie" and "lay". Grammar Girl's goal is to make grammar and writing accessible and fun for everyone.

Helping Writers Become Authors

K.M. Weiland's podcast, "Helping Writers Become Authors," is an educational podcast for writers who are hoping to become published authors. Weiland covers topics such as the craft of writing, the business of writing, and the marketing of writing. She also offers advice on how to deal with rejection, how to plan and execute a successful writing career, and other writing tips and tricks. Weiland also interviews successful authors and provides her listeners with writing resources. The podcast is an excellent source of information for aspiring authors and can help them reach their writing goals.

Story Grid Writing Podcast

The Story Grid Writing Podcast is hosted by Shawn Coyne and Tim Grahl, both experienced authors and editors. The podcast explores the craft and structure of storytelling. Each episode features interviews with authors, editors, and other experts, as well as analysis of stories from the perspective of the Story Grid methodology. The podcast covers topics such as plotting, characterization, structure, and genre, with a focus on helping authors craft compelling stories. Through the podcast, listeners can gain insight into the writing process, develop their skills as storytellers, and learn how to create successful stories that stand out in the marketplace.

The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers

The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers is a free podcast hosted by author and entrepreneur Joanna Penn. The podcast offers helpful advice and inspiring stories for writers of all levels. Each episode features interviews with authors, publishers, agents, and other industry professionals to help empower authors and give them the tools they need to reach their goals. Joanna discusses topics such as writing, editing, publishing, marketing, and lifestyle. The podcast is geared toward authors who are serious about their writing and want to learn how to become successful.

The Creative Writer's Toolbelt

In the podcast "The Creative Writer's Toolbelt," Andrew Chamberlain discusses the various tools available to creative writers to help them craft stories and create compelling characters. He delves into the different types of devices available to writers, such as metaphors and symbols, as well as how to use them effectively and incorporate them into writing. He also discusses ways to develop plots and character arcs, as well as how to create suspenseful moments. Finally, he talks about the importance of doing research and understanding the audience when it comes to writing.

Write Your Screenplay Podcast

In this podcast, writer and script consultant Jacob Krueger provides advice and guidance to aspiring screenwriters. He covers topics such as story structure, character development, and the mechanics of writing a screenplay. Krueger also interviews seasoned industry professionals who share their experiences and wisdom. The podcast is designed to help writers understand the craft of screenwriting, learn the business of the industry, and develop the skills necessary to break into Hollywood.

Crime Writers On...True Crime Review

Writing Roots

The Writer Files: Writing, Productivity, Creativity, and Neuroscience

Writer's Routine

Writing Tips and Writerly Musings

Wizards, Warriors, & Words: A Fantasy Writing Advice Podcast

Writer Unleashed

Start Writing

Writing Easy

The Present Writer

The Writerly Life

Fiction Writing Made Easy

Write-minded: Weekly Inspiration for Writers


Beautiful Writers Podcast


How To Win NaNo: A Writing Podcast

The Fantasy Writers' Toolshed


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