Homeschool Podcasts

Homeschool Podcasts

Many people who podcast have explored Homeschool Podcasts. We found 25 of the top ones.

The Homeschool Solutions Show

The Homeschool Solutions Show is a podcast presented by four experienced homeschoolers, Janice Campbell, Jennifer Cabrera, Jessica Smartt, and Sean Allen. Each episode is designed to help parents and homeschoolers navigate many of the challenges that come with homeschooling. The show covers topics like curriculum and teaching tools, how to create a schedule and stay organized, socialization, how to find and use resources, and how to make homeschooling work for each individual family. The hosts also discuss current events, their own experiences, and tips and tricks to make homeschooling successful.

The Homeschool Highschool Podcast

The Homeschool Highschool Podcast is a weekly podcast hosted by experienced homeschooling parents, Sabrina and Vicki, that covers all aspects of homeschooling high school. The podcast covers topics such as developing a homeschool plan, working with a teen's changing interests and needs, preparing for college and beyond, and much more. The hosts bring in experts to discuss various topics, share their experiences, and provide helpful tips for homeschooling high school. They also have interviews with former and current homeschoolers who have graduated with success. The podcast is a great resource for families who are new to homeschooling or have been homeschooling for years.

Homeschool Together Podcast

Arial and Matthew Buza host the Homeschool Together Podcast, a podcast about homeschooling. The couple, both dedicated homeschoolers, discuss their experiences, tips and strategies for homeschooling, and answer questions from their listeners. They also provide resources and guidance to help parents navigate the world of homeschooling. Topics covered in the podcast include managing the educational and social life of homeschoolers, homeschooling during a pandemic, and homeschooling while maintaining relationships with family and friends.

The Smiling Homeschooler Podcast

The Smiling Homeschooler Podcast is a weekly podcast hosted by homeschooling mom and author, Rachel Martin. She interviews homeschooling parents, authors, and experts to provide listeners with practical tips and encouragement for homeschooling their children. Rachel shares her own experiences, along with the stories of other homeschoolers, to demonstrate how they all make homeschooling work. Topics discussed include curriculum options, lesson planning, educational philosophies, and ways to create a successful homeschooling environment. The podcast also features special guest interviews and book reviews. Through the podcast, Rachel encourages homeschooling parents to focus on the joy and blessings of homeschooling and approach it with a spirit of optimism.

Simply Charlotte Mason Homeschooling

In this podcast, host Sonya Shafer explores the philosophy and practice of homeschooling with the Charlotte Mason method. This method is based on the idea that children should be given a well-rounded education that includes nature study, art, music, and narration. Sonya interviews experts and experienced homeschoolers to discuss topics such as how to incorporate Charlotte Mason's methods into the modern home, how to support children in their learning, and how to create a daily schedule that works for your family. Additionally, Sonya shares tips and resources for getting started with the Charlotte Mason approach.

Homeschool with Moxie Podcast

Abby Banks' podcast, Homeschool with Moxie, is a show dedicated to encouraging, inspiring, and helping homeschool families to have a successful and joyful homeschooling experience. Abby covers topics such as organization, planning, curriculum selection, hands-on learning, and more, as well as interviews with experienced homeschoolers. She also provides resources and interviews that help equip families for their homeschooling journey. Homeschool with Moxie is designed to be a place for homeschool families to come and find encouragement and support, and Abby’s goal is to help families thrive in their homeschooling.

Called To Homeschool

In this episode of the "Called To Homeschool" podcast, Meg Thomas talks to experienced homeschoolers about their motivations for homeschooling and how they make it work for their family. She explores topics such as how families find the right curriculum, why some choose to homeschool, and the importance of parental involvement. She also discusses the unexpected rewards of homeschooling, the ways it has changed over the years, and how it can be used to supplement traditional education. Finally, she offers a few tips for parents considering homeschooling.

Simply Convivial: Pep Talks for Homemakers & Homeschoolers

Schoolhouse Rocked: The Homeschool Revolution

Homeschool Unrefined

The Homeschool Project Podcast

Coffee With Carrie: Homeschool Podcast

Homeschool Made Simple

The Homeschooling Saints Podcast

Homeschool Your Way

Art of Homeschooling Podcast

Little by Little Homeschool - Homeschooling, Motherhood, Homemaking, Education, Family

Simple Homeschool

Honey! I'm Homeschooling The Kids

The Charlotte Mason Show | A Homeschool Podcast

10 Minutes to a Better Homeschool

The Homeschool Sanity Show

Homeschooling Made Easy

The Homeschool Sisters Podcast

The Homeschool Journal


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