Harvard Scam Best Podcasts The

Harvard Scam Best Podcasts The

Ever listen to these Harvard Scam Best Podcasts The? We know you'll find some new shows. We found 25 of the top ones.

Harvard Classics

In this podcast, Rich E Book dives into the Harvard Classics, an educational resource collection originally compiled in 1909. He discusses the history, context, and importance of the Harvard Classics, as well as how it has impacted the world of education and literature. He also covers some of the most important works in the collection, including the writings of Plato, Aristotle, and Dante. Finally, he highlights the use of the Harvard Classics as a great way to get an introduction to the best of the Western canon.

Cold Call

In the podcast "Cold Call" from HBR Presents, Brian Kenny interviews Harvard Business School professor Deepak Malhotra about the importance of cold calling in the business world. Malhotra states that cold calling can be a powerful tool for salespeople, entrepreneurs, and job seekers, as it can open new opportunities. Malhotra advises to use cold calling as a way to learn and build relationships, rather than simply as a way to try to sell something. He advises that the best cold calls are ones that are centered around a conversation, rather than a pitch. Malhotra also discusses the importance of preparing for cold calls, and suggests having a script and objectives ready before making a call.

Harvard Divinity School

The Harvard EdCast

Scam Squad

Deb & Kev Pod

The Prank Call Hobosodes



Dear HBR:


Chameleon: Scam Likely

Scammer Stories

Scams & Cons

Coaching Real Leaders

Scam Goddess

Ask a Harvard Professor

You Had Me At Fraud


Healthcare Secrets: An American Sickness

Scam Me. Spam Me.

Considering the Scam

The HLEP Podcast

Harvard Law and Philosophy Society Podcast

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