Harvard Scam Best Podcasts Week

Harvard Scam Best Podcasts Week

So many personalities have talked about Harvard Scam Best Podcasts Week. We listed 25 of the top ones.

Harvard Classics

The Harvard Classics podcast is a series of lectures discussing the contents of the Harvard Classics, a comprehensive anthology of some of the greatest works of literature, philosophy, science, and history. The podcast is hosted by Dr. Richard E. Book, an Associate Professor of English at Harvard University. Each episode of the podcast focuses on a particular work from the Harvard Classics, delving into its themes and exploring its importance in the context of the other works in the series. Additionally, Dr. Book offers his own insights and analysis on the works, providing listeners with an in-depth exploration of the Harvard Classics.

Scam Squad

"Scam Squad" is a podcast hosted by former fraud investigator and cybersecurity expert, Chris McNab, who interviews experts from around the world to discuss the latest scams and frauds. The podcast covers a range of topics from cybercrime, phishing, identity theft, online security and more. The podcast provides listeners with the latest information, tips and techniques to help protect themselves and their families from being victims of fraud. Additionally, McNab provides his own insight and advice on how to spot, avoid and report fraud.


In this episode of More Banana, the hosts discuss the rise of scammer culture, particularly within the Nigerian community. They discuss how scamming has become a form of “entrepreneurship” for many young people and how the lack of economic opportunities drives them to find alternative ways to make money. They also discuss the role of popular culture in promoting this type of activity and how the internet has made it easier for scammers to find victims. Finally, they talk about how to protect yourself from falling prey to scams and the importance of being aware of the dangers online.

SCAM - Sports Content and more

The Prank Call Hobosodes




Scandal 101

Harvard Alumni Entrepreneurs Invites


Scam Goddess

Emiria Podcast

Scams, Swindles, and Schemes

Ask a Harvard Professor

Harvard Business Review Vietnam

You Had Me At Fraud


Scam Me. Spam Me.

Considering the Scam

Swindled & Psyched

Scammed Wellness

Scamdemic Resistance

Droga na Harvard Online Academy

Harvard Business Case Studies / Case Study On Management, MBA, HR, Marketing, SCM, Operations, AI,


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