Design Podcasts

Design Podcasts

So many personalities have reported on Design Podcasts. Here are 25 of the best ones.

A Well-Designed Business® | Interior Design Business Podcast

In this podcast, interior designer LuAnn Nigara provides practical advice and tips to interior design business owners on how to start and run a successful business. She covers topics such as marketing, customer service, managing finances, and product selection. She interviews industry experts and business owners to share their experiences and offer advice. LuAnn also provides resources and tools to help interior design business owners stay organized and productive. Additionally, she provides thoughtful insights on the current trends in the interior design industry.

Design Matters with Debbie Millman

Design Matters with Debbie Millman is a podcast hosted by branding consultant and author Debbie Millman. Each episode features a notable guest from the design, branding, and creative worlds who discuss topics of relevance to their industry. Guests have included artists, illustrators, entrepreneurs, business executives, and authors. Topics discussed range from the meaning of design, to how it affects the world, to the unique stories behind successful projects. Through the conversations, listeners gain insight into the creative process, gain inspiration, and learn more about the intricate relationship between design and business.

The Human Design Podcast

The Human Design Podcast is a podcast about human design and how it can be used to better understand your true nature and purpose. Hosted by Emma Dunwoody, it features experts from around the world who provide insight and advice on navigating life using the principles of Human Design. In the podcast, Emma and her guests discuss topics such as relationships, career, health, and money, and how using Human Design can help people find success and fulfillment in their lives. The podcast also features interviews with people who have implemented Human Design in their lives and are sharing their stories.

Design Details

Design Life

Dear Alice | Interior Design

The Volleyball By Design Podcast


DayLuna Human Design Podcast

The Angry Designer

Design Thinking 101

Monocle 24: Monocle on Design

Better: The Brand Designer Podcast

Design Better Podcast

Design Time

Human Design Collective Podcast

Design Nerds Anonymous

The Human Design Podcast


Human Design

Sculpted | The Design Podcast

The Design Podcast

The Interior Design Podcast

Evil By Design



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